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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Adams

Escort Agency or Massage Parlour: Understanding the Differences and Benefits

Updated: May 16, 2023

Suppose you're looking for adult entertainment services in Auckland, New Zealand. In that case, you may come across the terms escort agency and massage parlor. While both may offer services for those seeking companionship and intimacy, there are distinct differences between an escort agency and a massage parlour. This article will explore these differences and explain why visiting an escort agency is often better.


An escort agency is an exclusive professional service that connects clients with escorts who provide companionship and personal services. What separates an escort agency from a massage parlour is the level of discretion, safety, and professionalism enforced by both adult entertainment establishments.

An escort agency won't allow walk-ins, operating as a discreet business with an unpublished and discreet physical location. Only once a booking is made is a client given the physical location, which helps ensure maximum discretion and safety for all parties.

In an escort agency, there is no open bar area. In contrast, a massage parlour will nearly always have a public bar area. Therefore visiting a massage parlour isn't as discreet as visiting an escort agency.

Escort agencies have a selection of escorts, each with their own profile. Clients can choose a companion based on their preferences and requirements. Both agency escorts and massage parlour escorts may offer a range of services. Still, agency escorts specialize more in companionship for events, dinners, or social gatherings, to quality intimate experiences in private settings. Here at The Doll House, our Auckland escorts specialize in providing a full Girl Friend Experience (GFE), which includes French kissing, mutual oral, and multi-shots.


A massage parlor is a much more public and less exclusive business offering a less specialized intimate service. While some massage parlours may also provide additional services, such as outcalls or social companionship, their primary focus is on delivering a standard and less personal sexual service. Escorts at a massage parlor may offer the full girlfriend experience, but this is usually charged as an extra service on top of the usual fee. Visiting a massage parlour is a much more transactional experience, whereas visiting an Auckland escort agency is a far more intimate experience.

Massage parlours have a physical location, and clients can walk in off the street without an appointment. This makes visiting a massage parlour in Auckland far less discreet. Because Auckland is such a small city, visiting an escort agency is far more discreet.




The primary difference between an escort agency and a massage parlour is the range of services offered. While both may provide companionship and intimacy, an escort agency generally offers a wider variety of services tailored to the specific needs and desires of the client. Escorts can accompany clients to various events, parties, or social gatherings, provide intimate experiences in private settings, or offer personalized services based on client preferences. On the other hand, a massage parlour mainly focuses on providing a quick and impersonal experience, with additional services, if any, varying depending on the establishment.


Escort agencies are typically professional businesses prioritizing their clients' and escorts' safety and well-being. They may have strict screening processes for their companions, including background checks, health screenings, and verification of their age and legal status to work. Escort agencies may also have strict policies and guidelines to ensure clients' safe and professional experience. In contrast, massage parlors may sometimes have different levels of professionalism and safety protocols.


When it comes to choosing an escort, clients typically consider factors such as physical appearance, personality, interests, and the services offered. Many escort agencies strive to provide a personalized experience tailored to individual client preferences. However, in contrast to escort agencies, massage parlours may have a more standardized approach to their services, with fewer options for customization.


One of the primary concerns for clients seeking an escort service is privacy and discretion. Professional escort agencies recognize the importance of protecting their clients' and escorts' confidentiality and employ strict policies to ensure that personal information remains secure. By prioritizing client privacy, these agencies foster an environment of trust and reliability that clients can rely on

So, while Auckland escort agencies and massage parlours may offer adult entertainment services, there are distinct differences. Auckland escort agencies provide a more professional, customizable, and intimate experience focusing on safety, privacy, and discretion. Booking with an Auckland escort agency offers several benefits, including a broader range of services, customization options, higher professionalism, and a more personal experience. If you're seeking companionship and intimacy in Auckland, choosing an Auckland escort agency may be the better option for a truly memorable and fulfilling experience.

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